The project
Great Yarmouth, often called Yarmouth, is a seaside resort town in Norfolk, England; it straddles the River Yare and is located 30 km east of Norwich. In 2016 Norfolk County Council made the 'Third River Crossing' in Yarmouth a infrastructure priority with the objective to create easier transition from Gorleston to Great Yarmouth. The area has great potential to attract investment, create jobs and give local people a better quality of life. The project will provide crucial support to the town's key industries.
The 'Third River Crossing' will link the A47 at Harfrey’s roundabout to the port and the enterprise zone via South Denes Road on the other side of the River Yare. When completed, the bridge will ease traffic congestion on the town’s roads, shortening journey times and improving journey reliability.
The construction stage started in January 2021 with the accommodation, enabling and demolition works. This is followed by the in river marine works and construction of the approach embankments which will support two underpass and the bascule bridge (opening bridge).
Once complete the local road network will be upgraded with a five-arm roundabout and dual carriageway and the projection to have the bridge operational and open to traffic will be early 2023.
To take control of emissions and to make sure construction nuisance is been brought down to a minimum, environmental noise, dust and vibration monitoring commenced in October 2020.

Our partner
As a long-time partner Campbell Associates is a market leader in noise, dust and vibration monitoring solutions. They have over 1000 monitoring systems out throughout the United Kingdom.
In 2016 Campbell Associates partnered with Sonitus Systems with the main goal to enable better environments for people to live and work.
Our strong relationship is founded on the EM2030 Sound Level Meter and online data platform Sonitus Cloud. In 2020 the DM30 Dustsens was added to their product line and is now one of Campbell Associates' offerings within the monitoring market.
Monitoring requirements
Farrans Construction in joint venture with BAM, has installed 3x EM2030 Sound Level Meters and 3x DM30 Dustsens monitors to report the environmental impact on occupants of residential, commercial and public buildings. The compact and light weight equipment was mounted on lamp posts located in public areas.
The equipment provides continuous and reliable data which is uploaded to the online cloud platform and project managers will be notified via email & SMS text alerts when noise levels exceed the agreed limits and to demonstrate that working hours and quiet times are adhered to.
Site managers can respond quickly to exceedances and can elaborate with local authorities on the environmental impacts due to the construction works.

'Sonitus Systems always delivers reliable, robust and quality equipment, as well as excellent and quick costumer service. Our clients can concentrate on what they are good at and can rest assured environmental monitoring is covered.'
John Campbell, CEO Campbell Associates.
Our partner approach - global reach with local service
We take pride in our products and our service delivery as we take part in these major international projects. Working together with our local partners we provide reliable equipment and professional support which makes monitoring at your projects seem like a walk in the park.
Get in contact to see if we can help with your project.